Kate Albrecht Fulton Artist
Born 1974, Australia
Lives in Berlin
2001 GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF VISUAL ART, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne, Australia
1992-94 BACHELOR OF ARTS, FINE ART, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Australia
2010-11 ARTIST RESIDENCY, HomeBase LAB, Berlin
2004-06 STUDIO PROGRAM RECIPIENT, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
2003 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM GRANT (Parallel, Exhibition Seoul) Arts Victoria, Melbourne
FELLOWSHIP FINALIST, Keith And Elisabeth Murdoch Travelling Scholarship, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne
2002 SELECTED PARTICIPANT, MENTORSHIP WITH SUSAN NORRIE, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne
2001 POSTGRADUATE AWARD, National Gallery Of Victoria Womens Association, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne
POSTGRADUATE ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne
1998 PAT CORRIGAN ARTIST GRANT, National Association for the Visual Arts, Sydney
1996 SALON EXHIBITION AWARD, Melbourne Fringe Festival, Melbourne
1992 CAVALIER ART GRADUATE AWARD, Deakin University, Warrnambool
2022 coordinates locating a point on a line, Malzfabrik, Berlin
2011 Casting the Weight of Shadows, HomeBase, Berlin
Accents in habitation, HomeBase, Berlin
2008-10 Time in.consequence, Six Sites in Private Residence, Berlin
2007 Private Collection, Counterpoint, Melbourne
2006 To Be Gone. tomorrow, Bus, Passenger Residency, Melbourne
2005 Panic Bolt, Studio 12, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Nothing to see here… Going Under_come down_Rapid Fire Style, CLUBSproject, Melbourne
2003 in the absence of content, West Space, Melbourne
2002 Falling to Pieces, Eisenberg Gallery, The Victorian Museum of Experimental Art, Melbourne
2000 Marking of Territory, May 23, May 24, May 31, July 16, Melbourne
1998 Re-View, Go-Go Gallery, Melbourne
2026 upcoming: Manifest, Duo Exhibition with Noe Sendas, frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin - March to April
upcoming: Manifest, Duo Exhibition with Noe Sendas, Kindred Spirit Projects, Lisbon - May to July
2023 Garden of Delete - Inflections, frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin
2012 Recycled Dreaming, Cross Art Books – Drawing Room, Sydney
2010 Memory, Solaris Project, Berlin
2009 CRITICAL FIXTURES, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
2008 Many Mini Residency, The Berlin Office, Berlin
upside down, MINUS SPACE project space, New York
2007 Too Near Too Far, Care/of Contemporary Art Centre, Milan
Intuitive Geometries, SNO Contemporary Art Projects, Sydney
WORKSHOPnonSTOP, Loose projects, Sydney
New Work - Expanded and Compressed, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne
2006 Gertrude Studios 2006, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Endgame. Late-capitalist Realism. Office of Utopic Procedures, VCA Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne
New Work, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne University, Melbourne
Artist vs Artwork vs Audience, Spacement, Melbourne
Mini Works 06, Dep_art_ment, Auckland, New Zealand
A4 art reunion, West Space, Melbourne
A Portable Model of…, Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, Victoria
2005 The Air Between Us, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Anecdotes, Comic and Tragic, VOLUMEVERYTHING, CLUBSproject Publication, Melbourne
A Portable Model of…, Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart
2004 consandine fulton geikie hester huang, mir 11, Melbourne
multipleMISCELLANEOUSalliances, CLUBSproject, Melbourne
Re-verb, Conical Container, Containers Project, Next Wave Festival, Federation Square Carpark, Melbourne
Combined Operations / Joint Operations: A Project by Five Conical Committee Members, Conical, Melbourne
A Day in Liverpool / A Day in Melbourne, Platform, Melbourne
2003 Keith and Elisabeth Murdoch Traveling Fellowship, VCA Gallery, Melbourne
Parallel, West Space, Melbourne
Parallel, Han Jeon Gallery, Seoul
2002 15 in 15, Axiom Gallery, Melbourne
Tamper, Conical, Melbourne
Unloading, Kraznapolsky, Melbourne
Nikon Summer Salon, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne
2001 A4 ART, West Space, Melbourne
POST, VCA Gallery, Melbourne
2000 A4 ART, West Space, Melbourne
Flesh, 69 Smith Street, Melbourne
1999 The Post-Postcard Show, Linden Gallery, Melbourne
1998 artflogg, Grey Area Art Space, Melbourne
1997 World In A Match Box, Grand Central Art, Melbourne
1996 Indulge, Fringe Festival Salon, Prahran Market, Melbourne
Christmas Show, Anti Gallery, Melbourne
1994 Inter-University Exhibition, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne
EXPANDED PRACTICE 2024 Ongoing ACTIVE MEMBER, frontviews at HAUNT, Artists and Art Theorists Collective, Berlin
2022 Ongoing PRIVAT ATELIER, Mauerstrasse 13b, Luckenwalde
2020 INDEPENDENT AUTHOR, ARTIST FUNDED _ KUNSTLERIN:NNEN _ FINANZIERT, www.katealbrechtfulton.com/artist-funded
2012-22 PRIVAT ATELIER, Malzfabrik, Berlin
2018 ART HANDLER, exhibiton installation and de-installation, Johan Koenig Gallery, Berlin
2011 SITE MANAGER, HomeBase LAB, Berlin
FEATURE ARTICLE/COMMISSIONED TEXT, 'Batesian mimicry and Urban scarecrows', Kate Fulton-Feature Article, Art & Surveillance, Artlink Magazine, Volume 31.
2010-11 ARTIST RESIDENCY, HomeBase LAB, Berlin
ARTISTS' ASSISTANT, to Pablo Von Lichtenberg, Natalie Latham, Ming Wong & Miriam Dim, Berlin
2007 MEMBER, PRIMER Artists Collective, Melbourne
2005-06 STUDIO ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Board of Management, Melbourne
2005 INITIATOR & COORDINATOR, 'theMAP' of Artist Run Spaces in Victoria, 1st EDITION, Melbourne
GUEST SPEAKER, 'Inside Boxes; Outside Systems: Artists & Institutions Now', Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melb.
PUBLISHED WRITING, Volumeverything, Chapter ANECDOTES, COMIC AND TRAGIC, Clubsproject, Melbourne
2004 INDEPENDENT AUTHOR, ARTIST FUNDED, Logo, Concept and Project, www.en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/7874536
INDEPENDENT CURATOR, Re-verb, Exhibition, Conical Container, Containers Project, Next Wave Festival, Melbourne.
2002-04 COMMITTEE MEMBER, Conical Inc, Melbourne
INITIATOR & CO-COORDINATOR, Clearway (Stairwell Exhibition Space) @ Conical Inc, Melbourne
2002 INDEPENDENT CURATOR, Unloading, Exhibition, Kraznapolsky, Melbourne
VISITING LECTURER. Faculty of Art, Deakin University, Warrnambool
2001 SESSIONAL ART TEACHER, Folio Preparation Course, Mentone Girls Grammar, Melbourne
Davies, Suzanne, 'Critical Fixtures', Exhibition Catalogue, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, 2009
Lacy, Danny, 'The Silent Sentinel', New Work, Exhibition Catalogue, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne, 2006
Hester, Bianca, 'Kate Fulton - Panic Bolt', SPEECH Blog, http://speech2012.blogspot.com/, A Constructed World Project, 2005
Johnson, Helen, 'Cate Consandine, Kate Fulton, Starlie Geikie, Bianca Hester & Katherine Huang', un Magazine, Issue 3, 2005
Hibberd, Lilly, 'Shipping The Goods - Containers Project', Realtime Online Feature('Re-verb' - Conical Container), 2004
Kang, Sang Bin, 'Parallel', Exhibition Catalogue, Han Jeon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea, West Space Inc., Melbourne, 2003
Bridie, Sandra, 'Artists/Artist-Run Spaces, Interviews with artists from six Melbourne artist's spaces.', West Space Inc., 2003
Backhouse, Megan, 'Around the galleries - Art of Manipulation', The Age Newspaper, Melbourne, Sat 27 April, 2002
Mackenzie, Andrew, 'Public Hanging' ('Tamper' exhibition), Channel 31 Television Program, Melbourne, 2002
Taylor, Roger, 'High and Low' ('Tamper' exhibition), 3RRR Radio Program, Melbourne, Tue 23 April, 2002
Gruppetta, Shaun & Frisch, Natasha, '15 in 15: 15 Artists in 15 Minutes' (Short Film), No Idea Productions, Melbourne, 2002
Selstob, Shaun, www.netspace.net.au/~selstob/breakin.html (Exhibition Website), 2002
Bridie, Sandra, 'Artists/Artist-Run Spaces.', Talk Artists Initiative & West Space Inc., p.32 1998
Kate Albrecht Fulton is an Australian artist living and working in Berlin since 2008.
Her artistic practice is comprised of sculptural objects, spatial installations and architectural interventions that draw on autobiographical references and everyday traces to explore themes of displacement, inaccessibility and effacement.
Working with found and appropriated materials from the discarded elements of urban surrounds, i.e. the flattened, soiled remains of tissues and aluminium food wrappers, dislodged plastic shoe soles, broken red taillights, and remnants of ceramic crockery from the Thames river in London, she creates shifts in perception and meaning to produce minimal disruptions in the system of the familiar.
Appearing characteristically sparse and at times imperceptible, her dispersed compositions and allusive choreography of objects, subtly reveal themselves in increments to explore the tension between the visible and unseen, internal and external.
By embedding, concealing and reorienting found objects and repurposed fragments into the architecture of our surrounds, she portrays the traces and remnants of 'presences' that are disappearing, on their way to no longer existing.
The vanishing points, fragments of speech and shadows of the familiar that form a psychological landscape hovering between abstraction and representation.
Prior to relocating to Berlin in 2008, Kate established her career in Melbourne with her artworks being curated into exhibitions in Auckland, Seoul, Milan and New York. From 2004-06 she was recipient of a Gertrude Contemporary Studio Residency in Melbourne, and in 2005 she developed the 1st Edition of 'theMAP' of Artist Run Spaces in Melbourne. In 2004 she founded the 'Artist Funded' logo/concept, which has since evolved to include the German version
'Artist Funded_Künstlerfinanziert'.
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